Magee class science vessel.
Length: 225.2 metres
Crew: 150 - 200
Introduced: 2240s
Decks: 6
Production from late 2240s
Over 1000 produced.
Magee class was introduced prior to 2256 as the standard science vessel design prior to the Oberth class. The small size made the ship perfect to concentrate on dedicated missions to study spatial anomalies, planetary data, cultural surveys, geological surveys and many other missions. The crew was often swapped out for experts in the field of the desired mission. This design of research vessel has been in continuous production since the 2250s and the fleet now number in the hundreds, making them the most common science vessel along with the Oberth class.
Slightly shorter than a Miranda class starship, the Magee cass can either operate independently, or co-ordinated by a Hoover class cruiser. Like the Oberth class, the laboratories on the Magee class can be configured for each mission quickly. The usual concentration of crew is science division with medical and engineering. It is unusual for Magee class starships to be deliberately placed into combat situations. As with the Oberth class, the defensive systems are minimal with phasers and shields only. Magee class vessels operate on missions typically lasting up to two years. Science department heads can be rank ensign or lieutenant. Unusually, they can also report to the captain directly, who themselves may be former science officers. Magee class starships can achieve warp 7.
The shuttlebay for the Magee class is located at the furthers aft section. (Actual number of shuttlecraft unknown, only one seen in 'The Trouble with Edward'). The warp nacelles are of a unique design, allowing the occupied saucer section design to permeate the nacelle, allowing access around the primary hull. This was an experimental design when conceived.
Author' notes:
Magee class was first seen as the U.S.S. Shran in the 'Battle of the Binary Stars' in Star Trek: Discovery season 1 episode 2. It was later seen, in far more detail, as the ill-fated U.S.S. Cabot in the Short Treks episode 'The Trouble with Edward'. In it, this vessel was described as a "little research vessel". They were even seen in the Short Treks 'Children of Mars' seen at Utopia Planitia in 2386. This design has obvious longevity from the time of Discovery up to Picard. Hawkins serves on at least two: U.S.S. Christopher Brewin and the U.S.S. Alan Baddeley.