U.S.S. Coventry, Polaris class destroyer:>
U.S.S. Coventry, NCC 1973, was launched back in 2259, from Copernicus yards, Luna. The current commanding officer of the Coventry is Commander Tik Danja.
Stardate 11377.6, U.S.S. Coventry, location: Planet NQ 3004.
Captain's log - supplemental. The Coventry arrived here at NQ 3004 sixteen weeks ago now. We have been assisting in the final installation and activation of the atmospheric reprocessing unit at the main camp of Tyrone's Cove. I am glad that my crew are well-versed in environmental suit operations. The conditions on this L-class planet are somewhat rough. My First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Sanchez, took me to what she poetically described as the 'garden spot' of NQ 3004. Rocks and rain really aren't my thing, but I guess in a decade or so that spot will be sufficiently terraformed to be quite appealing to the eye. Maybe I'll come back here with my Excelsior class starship as a Commodore, or whatever rank I manage to achieve by then. For now, I am quite content to share my time between the warmth of the Coventry, and the warmth of the command centre of Tyrone's Cove colony.

U.S.S. Coventry is due to stay on-station until stardate 11441.5, when she is due to head to Starbase 77 for resupplying.
Author's Notes:
U.S.S. Coventry is named in honour of HMS Coventry, lost in action during the Falklands War on May 25th 1982. The atmospheric processing unit is a tip-of-the-hat to the one seen n 'Aliens'. Let's hope that this one doesn't have the same nasty 'guests' deep within it.
The Coventry has three shuttles.
"The above artwork is © Interplay Productions. All rights reserved"