U.S.S. Perseus, Jupp class destroyer:
U.S.S. Perseus, NCC 1933, was launched back in 2255, from Copernicus yards, Luna. The current commanding officer of the Perseus is Commander Sara Parker.
Stardate 11234.6, U.S.S. Perseus, location: Neutral Zone.
The Perseus was going to run late. Commander Parker knew that her ship would have to find an excuse for the delay. Navigational malfunction was a good one, as was a malfunctioning warp drive system. This would allow her to write a subspace letter for her brother, Robert. The co-ordinates were known, and the ship slowed to a halt. The Communications Officer, Lieutenant Gow, contacted Nimbus III to inform them that they would not make the rendez vouz as scheduled. Deep inside one of the science labs, as pre-ordered, Lieutenant Commander Sarsema activated the ships subspace sensors. Starfleet Intelligence had sent the orders and only a handful of the senior ships crew even knew anything was amiss.
Subspace was scanned at a localised level. Subspace specialist MCPO Oosterhoorn ran her hands over the controls, carefully analysing the data as it was presented on the screens. Everything seemed fine. After several hours examining subspace, it was determined that the warp drive was now 'mended' and they could proceed to Nimbus III with the supply of communications equipment.
Two weeks later, the Perseus arrived at Starbase 77. The data obtained from the Perseus could now be examined closer. MCPO Oosterhoorn presented her data and her findings. It was ten years since the Tabula Rasa campaign. Many lives had been lost by all of the races in the neighbourhood. The Perseus had been assigned to ensure that the subspace pocket that now contained the Metar, Hubrin and Taubat was secure for all time. It had been a close run thing the last time, and Starfleet Command did not want a repeat of the campaign.
The Perseus left Starbase 77 one week later, en route to rendez vouz with U.S.S. Argyll. Commander Parker sat back in her command chair to read the latest post on her PADD. It was a subspace letter from Robert.
Author's Note:
U.S.S. Perseus is named in homage to Gene Roddenberry's 'Andromeda'.
The Perseus has three shuttles:
01 Andromeda
02 Pegasus
03 Medusa
"The above artwork is © Interplay Productions. All rights reserved"