Race | Homeworld | Notes | Paramount Notes | Author's Notes |
Aenar / Andorian | moon of Andoria | Blue-skinned and passionate Andorians and pacifist, telepathic, albino Aenar. | Seen in Classic Trek, glimpsed in TNG but in Enterprise the Andorians have really come back into their own. Originally hostile against their neighbouring Vulcans. | Now an established Federation race. |
Arcturian | Arcturia | Cloned race. | Glimpsed in ST:TMP. | |
Bajoran | Bajor | Ancient Alpha Quadrant race. Only a couple of traders ever encountered. | Pre-Cardassian occupation. Rather backward at this time. Religion and art prevail with technology taking a back seat. | This race will be annexed in 2328 by the Cardassians, although this is some way off and the Cardassians will be seen as assisting them from around 2309. |
Betelgeusian | Betelgeuse | Flamboyant race. | Glimpsed in ST: TMP. | |
Betazoid | Betazed | Telepathic race. | Admitted to the Federation in 2273. | Tal Reno will provide a more in-depth look at this race. |
Bolian | Bolarus IX | Bifurcated blue race. | | |
Caitian | Cait | Feline race. | From the Animated Series. | Federation President Sh'ghee is from this world. |
Cardassian | Cardassia | Only a couple of examples ever seen. | No date for first contact established. | A political empire in growth. The Union will play a larger and larger role as the web series progresses. |
Ch'ramaki | Ch'ramak | Klingonoid farmer race. | Created by Adrian Jones for the Interim Years and introduced in ST: Grissom. | This is a subjugated race which is exploited for their foodcrops and potential for gagh swamps. First people to attempt to break away from the Empire stardate 9702. Destined to be the Chechen/Palestinian/Afghan analogy of Star Trek. |
Deltan | Delta IV | Empathic. | Seen in ST: TMP and ST III on NX 2000. | Lt Cmdr Ilani of U.S.S. Sheffield will provide a further look into this race. |
El Aurian | None | Refugees. | Established in ST: TNG. A race of listeners. | Arrived as refugees on stardate 9715. This race has provided some information on the Borg threat, although this seems to be kept under wraps. |
Gorn | Gornar | Reptilian | Updated with the material from Strange New Worlds. |  |
Grazerite | Grazer | Bovine race. | Seen in DS9 as Federation President. | Doctor Jobin A'ochak will explore this race. |
Human | Earth | Mostly harmless. | Race in the majority in the Federation. | |
Kinshaya | Demon Rift | Bat-like species. | From John Ford novel "The Final Reflection". | Holy Order of the Kinshaya, extrapolated on by Keith R A DiCandido. Al Qaeda, ISIS- style religious fundamentalists. |
Klingon | Qo'nos | Warrior race. Currently at war with the Romulans. | Moving towards peace after the Khitomer Accords of stardate 9529. |  |
Kzinti | Kzin | Caitian cousins. | Larry Niven creation, reimagined by Jimmy Diggs and Court Jones. Renamed by Cryptic for legal issues. | |
Metar | None | Subspace race. | From ST: New Worlds. | |
Megarite | Megarius | Gilled humanoids. | Glimpsed in ST: TMP.
ngej | Unknown | mRNA species. | | |
Nimbosian | Nimbus III | Planet of Galactic Peace. | Seen in ST V. | |
Nirophians | Nirophia | Theocratic humanoids. | Created by Adrian Jones and Andrew Brown for Star Trek: The Interim Years and ST: Fearless. | |
Orion | Orion | Federation members: criminality meets the illegal needs of the enlightened future. | Seen in Classic Trek, The Animated Series, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks. |  |
Reman | Remus | Nosferatu-like. | Established in Star Trek: Nemesis. Subject race that mines for dilithium and is used as cannon fodder in the Dominion War. | |
Rigelian | Rigel V | Patterned humanoids. | Seen in Star Trek: Enterprise. | |
Rigellian | Rigel III | Terrapin-like humanoids. | Glimpsed in ST:TMP. | |
Romulan | Romulus | Vulcanoid species. | Established in Classic Trek, played a major role in TNG, DS9 and latterly in Enterprise we'll see more about the earliest encounters. |  |
Saurian | Sauria | Amphibian-like. Make excellent brandy. | Glimpsed in ST:TMP. | Flashbacks to Captain An'il'taya will provide an insight to this race. |
Tellarite | Tellar | Porcine race. | Seen in Classic Trek and to great advantage in Enterprise, esp. episodes like 'Babel One'. | |
Terajuni | Terajun | Klingonoid race. | From Starfleet Command 2: Empires At War. The Captain Sulu missions. | This is a subjugated race which is exploited for their minerals and potential for gagh swamps. First people to attempt to break away from the Empire stardate 9702. Destined to be the Chechen/Palestinian/Afghan analogy of Star Trek. |
Tholian | Tholia | Occasionally hostile, very territorial. | Seen in one episode of Classic Trek. Mentioned in TNG and DS9. Enterprise will start to flesh out this xenophobic race. |  |
Trill | Trillius Prime | Joined species. | An exploration of joined and unjoined Trill. Elements of LGBTQ+ and Disassociative Identity Disorder. Admitted to the Federation in 2285. | Erika Tanis, the cadet communications and social sciences officer will provide a glimpse into unjoined Trill life. |
Tzenkethi | Ab-Tzenketh | Official First Contact mission in 2312 failed under mysterious circumstances. | Mentioned in DS9 "The Adversary". | |
Venturi | Alpha Venturi Major | Planet is dying as their star is shrinking. Despite being Federation members, some have resorted to piracy | Glimpsed in Starfleet Academy. | |
Vulcans | Vulcan | Race centred around logic. | Federation founder member. | Lieutenant Savar will be amongst the Vulcans on the Sheffield, exploring this fascinating race. |
Zaranite | Zaranius | Methane-breathers. | Glimpsed in ST:TMP. | |